About Us

Melbourne Geriatric General Practice, owned and operated by Dr Gabriel Ezra, provides general medical services to residents of aged care facilities. We believe that optimal health is achieved proactively rather than opportunistically. By providing evidence based, empathetic care, we strive to ensure that our patients experience the quality of life which they deserve.


Dr Gabriel Ezra


General Practitioner

Dr Gabriel Ezra graduated from Monash University and undertook his postgraduate years in various public hospitals in Melbourne. Upon commencing general practice, he has pursued his passion for aged care by dedicating his practice primarily to the care of the older person. He is actively involved in Eastern Health's Transition Care Program where he looks after older patients who have recently been discharged from hospital. Dr Ezra enjoys collaborating with residents, families and facilities to ensure that all parties feel respected and included in the process of care. Outside of work, he enjoys spending quality time with his young family.